Research and Publications

  • Exploratory Research on Young People’s Understanding of Human Rights Knowledge and the new UN Human Rights Council Resolutions. (2011). Project commissioned by SA YMCA; Survey examining Chinese entrepreneurism in Durban, South Africa (2010);
  •  Examining the role of retail pharmacists in promoting female condom awareness and use in Durban, South Africa.
  •  Evaluation of street traders in fresh produce market at Warwick Junction: Challenges and Remedies. (2009);
  •  Banking services for everyone? Challenges faced by small business owners using Mzansi accounts: Case of INK, Durban, South Africa (2009).
  •  Improving Local Business Environment: An assessment of perceptions and attitudes of business owners in Albert Park area, Durban (2008).
  •  Assessment of Consumers’ Perceptions on water and sanitation services in Inanda, KwaMashu and Ntuzuma Townships, Durban. (2007-2008).
  •  Evaluation of Community Development Programs for South African YMCA (2008).
  •  Evaluation of the Area-Based Management (ABM) programs in EThekwini (2007).  



  • Kariuki, P. (2014) An Evaluation of a HIV/AIDS Youth Friendly Mobile Service Project. LAP Publishers. Saarbrucken, Germany.
  • Kariuki, P. (2012) Process Evaluation of an English Literacy Programme: Are our children learning? Evidence from the field.  LAP Publishers. Saarbrucken, Germany.
  • Kariuki, P. 2011. Can the Inner City Be Engine for Growth? LAP Publishers. Saarbrucken, Germany.
  • Kariuki, P. 2010. Water and Sanitation Services Provisioning. A Consumers Perspective LAP Publishers. Saarbrucken, Germany.
  • Kariuki, P. 2010. Community Newspapers Role in the Fight against HIV/AIDS Pandemic. LAP Publishers. Saarbrucken, Germany.


  • Kariuki, P. (2012). The role of community newspapers in disseminating HIV and AIDS information to young people in low income urban areas in South Africa, Paper published in the 6th SAHARA Conference 2011 Conference Report.
  • Kariuki, P (2011). The challenges of financing sanitation in sub-Saharan countries: A critical perspective. Journal of Applied Chemistry and Earth Sciences;
  • Kariuki, P. (2010) Too ‘raw’ to represent: enhancing youth participation in municipal governance using mobile phone technology: case study of Albert park ward committee (ward 32), Durban, South Africa. ACM Press. New York;
  • Kariuki, P (2009) Analysis of the role of digital community hubs in facilitating ICT diffusion in Peri-urban areas: Case of Inanda, Ntuzuma and KwaMashu (INK) digital hub. ACM Press. New York.
  • Kariuki, P (2008). Examining Consumer Perceptions in Water Supply and Sanitation Services in eThekwini Municipality. Case of Ohlange Township, Inanda, South Africa. Ecologize publications.


  • 2011 – conducted and facilitated monitoring and evaluation fundamentals workshop for Democracy Development Program (DDP) organization;
  • 2011 – conducted and facilitated evaluation report writing workshop for the department of Performance, Monitoring and Evaluation, Pretoria;
  • 2011 – conducted and facilitated logic framework workshop for UMzinyathi Municipality Local Economic Development (LED) officers;
  • 2011 – Facilitated a year-long leadership development training for Durban YMCA project staff;
  • 2010 – facilitated project management training for Lifeline Southern Africa, Durban office personnel;
  • 2010 – co- facilitated in a scientific writing and publication workshop for postgraduate students from Southern and Eastern Africa
  • 2010 – facilitated and supervised research methodology workshop for Durban University and KwaZulu Natal, honours degree students;
  • 2010 – facilitated report writing workshop and presentation for SA YMCA programmes staff;
  • 2009 –facilitated business management workshop for Durban YMCA programmes personnel;
  • 2008 – facilitated basic computer literacy course for SA YMCA KZN region personnel;
  • 2007 – facilitated public relations course for Lifeline Southern Africa, Durban office;
  • 2006- facilitated leadership training course for Durban YMCA programmes personnel;
  • 2005 – facilitated public speaking workshop for SA YMCA, KZN region, programmes personnel;


  • Member, South African Monitoring and Evaluation Association (SAMEA
  • Member and Reviewer, American Evaluation Association (AEA)
  • Member, Evaluation Society of Kenya (ESK)
  • Member, Africa Evaluation Association (AFREA)
  • Member, Water Institute of Southern Africa (WISA);
  • Member, South Africa Local Economic Development Network;
  • Member, Local Economic Development Network of Africa (LEDNA);
  • Reviewer, South African Journal of Human Resources Management;
  • Reviewer, AIDS Care, Journal



Evaluation journals

Peer-reviewed journals:

American Journal of Evaluation (AEA; formerly Evaluation Practice)

Publishes original papers about the methods, theory, practice, and findings of evaluation. The general goal of AJE is to present the best work in and about evaluation, in order to improve the knowledge base and practice of its readers.

Canadian Journal of Programme Evaluation

Published twice a year by the Canadian Evaluation Society. It seeks to promote the theory and practice of program evaluation in Canada by publishing articles, research and practice notes, and book reviews.


Publishes original evaluation research, both theoretical and empirical, as well as reviews of relevant literature and overviews of developments in evaluation policy and practice.

Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis

Publishes scholarly manuscripts of theoretical, methodological, or policy interest to those engaged in educational policy analysis, evaluation, and decision making. EEPA is a multidisciplinary policy journal, and considers original research from multiple disciplines, theoretical orientations, and methodologies

Evaluation and the Health Professions

Provides a forum for all health professionals interested or engaged in the development, implementation and evaluation of health programmes.

Evaluation and Programme Planning: An International Journal

Publishes reports of individual evaluation efforts, and more general articles on issues relevant to the conduct of evaluation and planning.

Evaluation Review

Latest applied evaluation methods; wide variety of disciplines (e.g. Education, publication); Qualitative & Quantitative methodological developments; related applied research issues; forum for researchers, planners & policy makers; normally not single- themes; special issues dedicated to topics of interest; not always directly involved with M&E but can provide valuable information for programme planners e.g. estimating cost of preventative programmes.

Evaluation: The International Journal of Theory, Research and Practice

Over the last two decades, evaluation has become a major issue for academics, governmental and public organizations and businesses throughout the world. This has, however, resulted in a body of knowledge scattered across disciplines, professions and countries. To promote dialogue internationally and to build bridges within this expanding field, this journal was launched in July 1995.

Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice

Aims to promote critical inquiry into clinical practice within Medicine, Nursing and the healthcare professions. All aspects of clinical practice evaluation are of interest to the Journal, particularly those which examine the dimensions of effectiveness, appropriateness and efficiency in clinical care.

Journal of Multi Disciplinary Evaluation

A peer-reviewed journal published in association with The Interdisciplinary Doctoral Program in Evaluation The Evaluation Center, Western Michigan University. Edited by Michael Scriven and E. Jane Davidson. Mission: the news and thinking of the profession and discipline of evaluation in the world, for the world.

New Directions for Evaluation

Offers program administrators, institutional researchers, and all evaluation specialists techniques and procedures for conducting useful evaluations of all types of programs, from educational curricula to health programs.

Practical Assessment, Research and Evaluation (online journal)

An on-line journal published by the ERIC Clearinghouse on Assessment and Evaluation (ERIC/AE) and the Department of Measurement, Statistics, and Evaluation at the University of Maryland, College Park. Its purpose is to provide education professionals access to refereed articles that can have a positive impact on assessment, research, evaluation, and teaching practice, especially at the local education agency (LEA) level.

Research Evaluation

A peer-reviewed, international journal. It ranges from the individual research project up to inter-country comparisons of research performance. Research projects, researchers, research centres, and the types of research output are all relevant. It includes public and private sectors, natural and social sciences. The term ‘evaluation’ applies to all stages from priorities and proposals, through the monitoring of on-going projects and programmes, to the use of the results of research.

Studies in Educational Evaluation

Publishes theoretical reflections on evaluation issues of educational programs and empirical evaluation studies of education systems around the world.

Non peer-reviewed journals/Newsletters:


A news service focusing on developments in monitoring and evaluation methods relevant to development projects and programmes with social development objectives.

Sida Evaluations Newsletter

Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency presents summaries of evaluations and methodological studies, commissioned by Sida alone or in partnership with other donor agencies. The aim of Sida Evaluations Newsletter is to make the results of such evaluations and studies accessible to readers interested in Swedish development cooperation.

The Evaluation Exchange

Periodical that contains new lessons and emerging strategies for evaluating programs and policies, particularly those focused on children, families, and communities. Since it was launched in 1995, it has become a nationally known and significant force in helping to shape evaluation knowledge and practice.

The Evaluator

The UK Evaluation Society newsletter communicates news and views about the Society’s activities – as well as evaluation matters generally.


Evaluation associations and societies

African Evaluation Association (AFrEA)

Founded in 1999, it was a response to the growing demand for information sharing, advocacy and capacity building in evaluation in Africa.

American Evaluation Association (AEA)

It is an international professional association of evaluators devoted to the application and exploration of program evaluation. It has approximately 500 members representing all 50 states in the US as well as over 60 foreign countries.

Australasia Evaluation Society (AES)

The Australasian Evaluation Society (AES) is a professional organisation for people involved in evaluation. The AES has almost 800 members involved in all aspects of evaluation and performance measurement.

Canadian Evaluation Society (CES)

The Society is a Canada-wide non-profit bilingual association dedicated to the advancement of evaluation theory and practice. It was established in 1981. Canadian Evaluation Society has some 1750 individuals Canadian members and student members and 71 libraries.

European Evaluation Society (EES)

The society was founded 1994 in the Hague. The first official board was elected in autumn 1995 and started its work in January 1996.

Israeli Association for Program Evaluation (IAPE)

IAPE is a non-profit, professional organization comprised of academics, practitioners and users of program and project evaluation in a variety of fields – psychology, education, social services, health, business, and others.

Malaysian Evaluation Society (MES)

The MES is a dedicated organization for evaluation practitioners and managers from all levels of government, the business community, and academia as well as individuals interested in or involved with evaluation. The idea of the MES was first mooted in 1996 by a small group of people who had a deep interest in evaluation and was officially registered in 1999.

South African Monitoring and Evaluation Association (SAMEA)

SAMEA was founded in November 2005 as a non-profit (section 21) association. The association was formed and is governed by a board of directors.

Sri Lanka Evaluation Association (SLEvA)

The Sri-Lanka Evaluation Association (SLEvA) was founded in 1999, to address a long felt need for establishing an evaluation culture in the Sri Lanka Civil Society.

Ugandan Evaluation Association (UEA)

The Uganda Evaluation Association (UEA) was registered in 2002 as a professional association and national chapter of the African Evaluation Association (AfrEA). The Association operates in partnership and close collaboration with government institutions and various international organizations to consolidate and strengthen evaluation capacity in Uganda.